Accent Reduction
Accentuate the Beat
Accent Reduction for International Speakers of English
About this course : 30 Hours
Accent is NOT your problem! That’s right.
And yet, the biggest stumbling block that International speakers of English must clear is Foreign Accent Interference.
Some of the world’s greatest ideas are not being fully or clearly articulated and shared with the world simply because many International speakers feel inadequate, intimidated, or inconsequential speaking up at meetings because of their foreign accents!
Yet, it doesn’t have to be the case!
Because Accent is NOT your Problem.
In this 30-hour, on-line Webinar group class you will receive the following:
- Pronunciation lessons
- Accent reduction lessons
- Vocal and Breathing lessons
- Voice lessons
- Elocution lessons
- 5 hours of semi-private coaching
You will be assigned an accountability partner with whom you can work.
Skills covered
But – it will not help you to speak English!
Why not? Because, first of all, around 61% of English words have silent letters. So – you will be wrong 61% of the time. But more importantly, you must use your ears to learn how to speak English. You must train your ear to hear the sounds of English; to learn the musical patterns of Spoken English. And then to make those sounds clearly.
In this program you will learn and come to understand how to hear and implement the basic oral features of spoken English known as rhythm, stress, intonation, sound units and thought groups.
You will learn and will master very successfully and with great ease how to convey your meaning and how to be clearly heard and understood in the process.
Your friends and colleagues will soon begin to notice a significant difference in what you are saying and the way you are sounding.
What will I get?
You will completely understand 3 main points of Accent Reduction:
- Accent is not your problem. Learn the Music and Beats
- We speak in sound units, not one word at a time. Learn the Rhythms
- It’s not what you say but how you say it. Learn Intonation
Your confidence in speaking English will grow in leaps and bounds as you make your way through the curriculum.
You will learn how to successfully communicate in business meetings, presentations, and leading teams and/or companies.
Anywhere you have to speak English, you will begin to notice you are speaking with greater ease. And your colleagues and friends will notice that you are very easily understood.
Course Requirements
This is not an English as a Second language program, so it is imperative that you are reasonably fluent in the English. You clearly don’t have to be perfectly fluent. Most of you know more English than you give yourself credit for.
If you can carry on a business conversation or a chat with an English-speaking colleague or friend without too much difficulty, then you have the requirements needed for this program.
All instruction is in the target language, English, only. There will be absolutely no translations into any other language. It’s easy. But it requires lessons and practice!
If you require basic English language instruction, this is NOT the class for you.
The Teacher
Paddy Kennedy is an Internationally renowned Speech and Accent Reduction Trainer and Coach with more than 48 years training people. Over the last 20 years, Paddy has worked in International English, coaching executives, business men and women, and professionals from across the spectrum to Speak-up, to Speak well and to Speak to be Heard and to Speak to be Seen.
After years of frustration, especially from her clients, Paddy knew that teaching accent reduction following textbook and techniques that just didn’t work. So, she created her own system for learning how to reduce accent that is extremely easy to use and helps everyone who has to speak English to make their living.
The Accentuate the Beat methodology is amazingly easy to learn and has been successfully tested for 12 years now.
Make your voice count!
- Introduction to course
- Expectations
- Issues in Accent Training
- Introduction of Vowel sounds
- Ooh la la! Love those Vowels
- Beat is Just Another Word for Accent
- Vowel Stress Rules
- Feel the Vibe – Introduction to Consonant Sounds
- Vowels quiz
- Feel the Vibe – Module 2
- Which Consonants Vibrate and Which Ones Don’t
- How and Where Consonants Sounds are Made
- Difficult Consonants
- Breathing exercises for clear sound control
- Consonant Sound Review
- Let’s Swing – Introduction to Rhythm
- Breathing exercises for clear sound control
- Consonant Quiz
- Let’s Swing – Rhythm Module 2
- Secrets of a Radio Journalist – Voice Training
- How Radio journalists use their eyes and face to control their voice and to convey meaning
- Breathing, Vocal, Voice Review
- Get your Groove On – Introduction of Stress
- Get your Groove On
- Elocution for Clear Speech
- Review of all materials studied so far
- Q & A – informal session
- Keep the Music Alive – Introduction to Intonation
- Keep the Music Alive – Module two
- English and All that Jazz – Introduction to Sound Units and Thought Groups
- English and All that Jazz – Module two
- Let’s chat – An Opportunity for all of you to bring forward your thoughts, concerns, ideas, issues.
- Intonation, Sound Units and Thought Group Quiz
- If you Can See It You Can Say It! – The Power of Visualization and Meditation
- Putting It All Together
- Q & A
- Informal Chat
- Graduation
Accentuate the Beat
Accent Reduction for International Speakers of English
8-Module Self-Study Video Workbook Program

About this course : 8 Modules
Each Module ends with a Home Study or Homework page: Practice Makes Permanent. These are simple exercises for you to apply the module’s lesson and to dig a little deeper into the work covered in that module.
Course requirements
The Teacher
After years of frustration, especially from her clients, Paddy knew that teaching accent reduction following textbook and techniques that just didn’t work. So, she created her own system for learning how to reduce accent that is extremely easy to use and helps everyone who has to speak English to make their living.
The Accentuate the Beat methodology is amazingly easy to learn and has been successfully tested for over 12 years now.
The 8 Modules in this mini program are: